Don’t want to keep paying rent in South Florida? Being a first time home buyer in Florida can be an exciting journey, from picking out your home to decorating it and making it your own. However, before we get ahead of ourselves check out these tips, tricks and mistakes you’ll want to avoid, when buying a home in Miami. These 4 tips will help you prepare to buy your first home.
Tip 1: Hire the Right Agent
Before you start going crazy looking at homes for sale in Miami and Fort Lauderdale on Zillow and Trulia, take a step back and hire a certified real estate agent. Real estate agents have access to the most up-to-date listings and some that may not be featured on websites. If you aren’t sure where to find a certified real estate agent in South Florida, start your search with HomeAdvantage.
Tip 2: Don’t be Afraid to Negotiate
Often times, first-time home buyers think that the price listed is the one you have to take, but that isn’t always the case. You work hard for the money you make and should invest it how you see fit! Example, while on your tour of a potential home you see that the cabinets aren’t up to date or notice a crack in the foundation. Those can be costly things to fix, which is why you shouldn’t be afraid to put in a counteroffer and either ask the buyer to repair these items as part of the deal or reduce the price based on the costs you will incur to make the fixes yourself.
Tip 3: Inspect the Home Thoroughly
Say you found the perfect house and are ready to put in an offer. Before you do, make sure you have an expert come in and inspect the home. There’s nothing worse than investing in a home only to find out it has major defects. Not many people think to do this considering most homes in South Florida are newer construction, however, damage can happen at any time, which is why it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Tip 4: Know What You Want and Can Afford
One of the most important pieces of advice you can receive is to identify what you want in a home and determine what you can afford. If you aren’t sure how to prepare a budget or feel like you’re missing potential expenses, get help from a financial specialist. If you go into buying your first home blind you could make a lot of mistakes that may not be reversible, which is why it’s important to be strategic and transparent in your search.
For more advice on first time home buying and mistakes you’ll want to avoid, check out what one of our experts has to say!