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Who’s your Local Hero? Tropical Financial, Florida Panthers want to know


You know someone who has quietly helped your community for a long time. That person has been selfless with their time and energy to make your neighborhood or city a better place to live.

Here’s your chance to thank that person publicly with the Community Hero award. Tropical Financial Credit Union, the Official Credit Union of the Florida Panthers, and the championship professional hockey team are partnering to recognize that individual with a $2,500 cash prize and by making a $500 donation to the charity of their choice.

Who qualifies? Someone who gives of themselves without seeking publicity or other reward. That individual could be a neighbor who volunteers to help the disadvantaged, supports animal rights, advocates for environmental protections, assists neighbors in need, cares for the sick and the lonely, or performs other acts of kindness that go unseen.

Tropical Financial and the Panthers want to honor this highly deserving Everyday Local Hero. You can do your part by nominating one or more people online at https://www.tropicalfcu.com/yourhero. You don’t have to be a credit union member to participate, nor does the nominee.

The search will focus on heroes living within Tropical Financial's nine counties of operation: Broward, Collier, Hendry, Lee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Sarasota, and St. Lucie counties.

A panel will evaluate the top submissions based on three criteria:

  • Impact on the community: How has the nominee’s actions created meaningful change?
  • Number of people impacted: How many lives have been positively influenced?
  • Compelling story: What makes the nominee’s story unique and inspiring?

Nominees must be at least 18 years old. The submission deadline is March 20, and the winner will be announced at the Panthers’ April 12 home game against the Buffalo Sabres.

They took time to care. Show them your appreciation by entering their names into consideration for the award.

Nominate Your Hero