It’s summertime and for many that means vacation time. In May, I wrote a blog comparing Groupon VS Living Social when it comes to travel. Turns out they are both good options when planning a family vacation because who doesn’t love to save money?
I am all about finding the best means of travel that will cost me the least amount of money, or I am always looking for Free money. Yup, I said it… Free Money! And no, I am not crazy.
What’s the Catch?
There is no catch, instead I want to share with you a trick that I learned about my credit card early on that I still use to this day and one I will always use. So what is that trick… Rewards Points! Have you heard of them? Do you have them?
At Tropical Financial one of the credit cards that is offered to its members is the Tropical Financial Rewards Card. Or as I like to call it, money machine or my dream come true. With the TFCU Rewards card, you earn one rewards point for every dollar you spend. So, chances are you use your credit card on a regular basis so why not build up points? Why not earn something for spending your money. Once you accumulate enough points, you can then cash them in for cash. Yup, there you have it… FREE Money!
Of course there are many others you can cash in your reward points for such as gift cards, appliances, electronics, and so much more. The options are endless.
But how can I travel?
When I first applied for my credit card, I was given bonus points…. That’s FREE Money right there. I used my credit card for everyday purchases that I knew I could pay back, like gas, groceries and even work expenses (where I knew I would get reimbursed). All of those dollars added up to points which I then turned in for cash.
There have been numerous times, not just one or two but several more times where I have exchanged my points in for CASH. Cash that I didn’t have, cash that wasn’t in my budget and I was able to use to take a last minute vacation.
The points add up quickly when you use credit card for daily purchases. You just want to be sure you don’t get in over your head with your credit card balances. The time it takes me to save up points varies depending on my spending but hey an extra $150 is always nice when going out of town or an extra $200 is great for a last minute road trip to see a friend this summer.
The way I see it, extra cash is always awesome! So, get spending (wisely of course), start earning those points and start enjoying that extra money and those vacation too!