Getting your children back to school can be a costly venture, between new school clothes, classroom supplies and all the extra-curricular activities they want to sign up for. All great things, but things that might leave you stressing.
So, how can you save some money this school year? With the little things. Here's how to minimize your back to school expenses.
Packing school lunches and snacks
While it might take a few extra minutes of your time, packing school lunches daily will help save you a lot of money come the end of the school year.
Also, pack snacks for when you pick your children up. Middle and high schoolers are usually starving at the end of the day and will reach for anything you have. Whether it’s fruit, a bag of chips or something to hold them over until dinner. This will help prevent a drive through stop. Which will save you money.
Buy as you go.
Yes, school clothes are a necessity but do you have to spend $200 in one day? Why not break up the purchases?
Have you ever noticed certain stores give you coupons for your next purchase? So, why not get the basics this week, get that coupon and cash it in next week? Plus you never know what will be on sale after school starts and with the Labor Day holiday around the corner, there are tons of sales to look forward too. Sometimes it pays to wait.
And don’t forget, once your child has their new school clothes, look into donating the old ones to an organization that can really use them.
Make a list… stick with it
I am a big believer in lists. When it comes to grocery shopping, don’t go hungry and make a list that you will stick too. By having a list you are going to save yourself time in the long run and we all know that time is money. Plus, you will prevent yourself from making multiple stops and having to run out for a forgotten item.
You’ve got this! Have fun with back to school and look for tips and tricks to save you time, money and energy this school year.