Credit is tight. Commercial borrowing rates are high. In this environment, finding a friendly loan officer is difficult. Tropical Financial Credit Union is among the few institutions actively making commercial loans.
The institution offers financing up to $5 million with 15-year and 25-year amortization schedules on most properties and 30-year payment terms on multifamily real estate.
Contrast that to what is happening nationally. Cited MSCI data, The Wall Street Journal reported in April that “More than $38 billion of U.S. office buildings are threatened by defaults, foreclosures or other forms of distress.” Why? Banks fear lower earnings and greater regulatory oversight due to nonperforming loans appearing on their books.
Loans that can be found are being financed at today’s higher rates, putting another squeeze on owners, the article says. Plus, to fill empty office desks, owners have to improve their properties and offer better amenities. Why? So, renters can offer better working conditions to employees who prefer to clock in from home.
Tropical Financial has developed commercial loan programs to fit the needs of small businesses. The advantages of financing real estate and equipment through the credit union include:
- Rates can be modified. If interest rates fall, borrowers can refinance for a small fee and save money.
- Pre-payment is penalty-free. Some lenders charge a fee for paying off the balance early, but not Tropical Financial.
- Loan decisions are local. While some institutions send loan applications to a review committee in a far-off city, the credit union’s decision-makers are here in South Florida.
- Applications are quickly reviewed. That’s another benefit of being local.
- There’s only one banker. Borrowers have a single point of contact who handles applications and can quickly answer questions.
If we can help you with a business loan, visit our website for more information on how to apply.