The average American feels like money, or the lack of it, is the main cause of stress. Millions of Americans are suffering from anxiety and depression because they have difficulty paying their financial obligations and it results in debt stress.
Whatever the cause, – be it a pandemic, salary reduction, having to use your emergency fund or medical bills – the action you take to beat the “bill blues” is the same.
Here are some tips to help you overcome debt stress:
Tip 1:Talk about it.
If you are depressed about money problems, you may feel alone. Yet the moment you begin to discuss it, you will find you are not only in immense company, but that discussing it can make you feel a lot better. Here at Tropical Financial we believe in putting people first and that’s why we want to sit down and figure out a game plan to help you be the most financially successful you can be. By taking our Get Beyond Money Quiz, you can analyze opportunities for reducing debt and stress.
Tip 2:Put it in perspective.
Do you have your health? The love and support from friends and family? Focus on the good things that are happening in your life. It’s hard, but you are going to need to be optimistic to be strong enough to make positive changes. A positive mindset and healthy habits help improve your outlook.
Tip 3:Confront the problem.
Don't hide from your lender and bill collectors. Be calm and rational. Understand the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, a law that protects your rights as a consumer. Write to your creditors to explain your situation. Include what led to the problem (even if it was your “fault”) and how you plan to fix it. The best thing you can do is talk to the lenders and create a plan of action.
Tip 4: Fight inactivity.
Doing nothing, while easier than taking action, will get you nowhere or may even get you in further debt. Get up, get out and resist the urge to shop if you're spending is out of hand. If you are already loaded down with debt, and keep receiving offers for more credit cards in the mail, destroy them and throw them away.
Tip 5:Prioritize your spending.
Chances are, there are some expenses you can reduce or cut out that can immediately relieve some of the pressure. Review your spending plan and eliminate expenses that aren’t absolutely essential. Prioritize according to necessity – basic needs such as food, housing, utilities and children’s expenses come first, and everything else there-after.
Being in debt doesn’t have to take the joy out of life. There are many of options to help dig your way out of debt, all you have to do is ask. Speak with a Tropical Financial Representative today and get started on your road to a debt-free life.