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Be Careful When Scanning QR Codes - Tips on Keeping Safe

QR codes have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially due to social distancing efforts and a need for contactless services. These codes are commonly used to access restaurant menus, provide discounts, and to make payments or purchases. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken advantage of this technology by creating fake QR codes that trick you into providing your personal information.


Be Careful

Since custom QR codes are easy to generate, cybercriminals can easily create fake codes for various malicious purposes. If you scan these fake QR codes, the cybercriminals may be able to steal your payment information or redirect you to a malicious website.

Stay Safe
Follow these tips to stay safe from QR code scams:

1. Cybercriminals use the convenience of QR codes to trick you into acting impulsively-Always think before you scan.

2. Be cautious of QR codes that promise outrageous deals. Remember that if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is!

3. Don't share payment information or personal details via QR codes. Instead, navigate directly to a safe website to make the payment or share the details.

4. Review the code's URL. Most QR codes populate a URL. Look at the URL carefully to ensure the website you are going to is legit. 

Tropical Financial wants to ensure that you are safe while using the latest technology. If you have any questions about the use of QR codes and your finances, we welcome you to contact the credit union. 


Information provided by:
The KnowBe4 Security Team