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What to Bring When Buying a Car

Tropical Financial Credit Union
By Tropical Financial Credit Union - September 2, 2024

"Oh snap!"..."No you didn't."..."I did."...Here it goes. You’re at the car dealership trying to purchase a new vehicle with your significant other and they forgot the necessities. It’s not common that someone in the relationship forgets the important things, it’s just that you both had “selective hearing” when trying to talk about it. Either the husband was watching the game and pulled the “later babe,” but ended up not hearing a word at all or the wife was finally relaxing after a long day and said, “we’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Well, tomorrow rolled around and neither sat down to go over what was needed. Now here you both are, having to drive all the way back home because you guys forgot to bring what the other thought was going to.

Since there is so much involved with the car buying process, it’s good for you both to know what to bring along, whether you’re trading in a used vehicle, buying something new or leasing.

What to Bring During the Car Buying Process

Pre Car Buying

Before you leave the house or speak with a Tropical Financial Auto Advisor it’s important to research what you’re going to be getting into. There’s different paperwork and things needed depending on what you decide to do. For example, if this is the first car you both are buying together, you may need a marriage certificate to validate purchase. You also may need to bring in joint banking forms as well; this all depends on the dealership, but it’s important to make sure you have access to these documents before, to avoid any headache.

On the Lot

Chances are that one of you will test drive the chosen vehicle which is why it’s important to have your license on you. There’s nothing more annoying than having spent all this time looking at cars then not being able to test drive it because someone forgot their license at home. Also, don’t forget registration and insurance, if anything happens it’s just safe to have it with you.

At the Table

Here’s where the magic happens. Chances are you will be asked for the majority of documentation here, so make sure know what items are needed. If you’re trading in a vehicle this is where the title and loan information come into play. Say you’re buying a car together, but your significant other is away, it’s extremely important that you have a power of attorney for their absence or you will not be able to bring home a car at all.

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of things that are needed for every step of the car buying process. If you want to limit the back-and-forth between your house and the dealership, then its best you know what is needed. There’s no use for wasting time and gas, so remember to check out the Car Buying Bring Along Items Checklist the next time you and your partner go to purchase a vehicle.

Click to download TFCU Car Buying Bring Along Items Checklist